Base Classes ============ ----------------- .. index:: ```` class extends ```` class and implements ``IBaseFragment`` interface which contains two methods: .. code-block:: java public interface IBaseFragment { public List drawerMenus(Context context); public Class database(); } We must have to create one file that extends ```` which will be registered in ```` These two methods are used by framework for creating database and drawer menu. Here, ```` indicate your model class type. We will see it in ```` **** contains some of usefull methods we can used in our fragment. As below: .. index:: setTitle() ``setTitle()`` ************** **Syntax:** ``Void setTitle(String title)`` Used for setting actionbar title: .. code-block:: java setTitle("My Title"); .. index:: db() ``db()`` ******** **Syntax:** ``OModel db()`` Used to get current db object returned in ``database()`` method which implemented in our fragment class. .. code-block:: java db().select(); OValues values = new OValues(); ... ... db().insert(values); .. index:: user() ``user()`` ************* **Syntax:** ``OUser user()`` Used to get current active user object. It is easy when you want to do some operation with current user. .. code-block:: java user().getName(); user().getPartner_id(); user().getUser_id(); ... .. index:: parent() ``parent()`` ************* **Syntax:** ``OdooActivity parent()`` Returns parent activity (``i.e., getActivity()``). It will automatically cast Activity object to ``OdooActivity`` So you can easyliy access public methods of ``OdooActivity`` .. code-block:: java parent().closeDrawer(); parent().refreshDrawer(); parent().setOnActivityResultListener(callback); We will see more methods of ``parent()`` method in ```` .. index:: inNetwork() ``inNetwork()`` *************** **Syntax:** ``boolean inNetwork()`` Returns ``true`` if device in network, otherwise ``false`` .. code-block:: java if(inNetwork()){ // Do some stuff }else{ // Ignore stuff } .. index:: startFragment() ``startFragment()`` ******************* **Syntax:** ``Void startFragment(Fragment fragment, boolean addToBackState)`` ``Void startFragment(Fragment fragment, boolean addToBackState, Bundle data)`` Used to start another fragment from current fragment. You can also specify backstate when starting another fragment. .. code-block:: java startFragment(new MyNewFragment(), true); // Starting fragment with backstate Bundle data = new Bundle(); ... ... startFragment(new MyNewFragment(), false, data); // Starting new fragment without backstate but with some of bundle data .. index:: setHasFloatingButton() ``setHasFloatingButton()`` ************************** **Syntax:** ``void setHasFloatingButton(View view, int viewId, ListView listViewObj, View.OnClickListener callback)`` By default floating button is hidden. You need to activate floating button to use. It will auto add callback method. Also you need to add ListView object as parameter so when you scroll your listview FAB will automatically hide/visible on listview scroll. .. code-block:: java setHasFloatingButton(view,, listViewObj, this); // this will implement onClick(View v) method @Override public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()) { case // Do your stuff break; } } .. index:: showFab() hideFab() ``hideFab()`` and ``showFab()`` ******************************** **Syntax:** ``void hidFab()`` ``void showFab()`` After setting fab button you can call ``hideFab()`` and ``showFab()`` as per your requirements .. code-block:: java if(inNetwork()){ showFab(); }else{ hideFab(); } .. index:: setHasSearchView() ``setHasSearchView()`` ********************** **Syntax:** ``void setHasSearchView(IOnSearchViewChangeListener callback, Menu menu, int menu_id)`` If there is a menu with search option. You can directly set ``setHasSearchView()`` and framework will work for you. It will give you callback on search text changed and search view close. It takes callback to its first paramenter of ``IOnSearchViewChangeListener`` interface which has following methods: .. code-block:: java public interface IOnSearchViewChangeListener { public static final String TAG = IOnSearchViewChangeListener.class.getSimpleName(); public boolean onSearchViewTextChange(String newFilter); public void onSearchViewClose(); } To apply search view callback just call method when you create your menu: .. code-block:: java @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater); menu.clear(); inflater.inflate(, menu); setHasSearchView(this, menu,; } It will implement two methods: .. code-block:: java @Override public boolean onSearchViewTextChange(String newFilter) { mCurFilter = newFilter; // Do any other stuff when change filter text return true; } @Override public void onSearchViewClose() { // Any stuff when user close search view } .. index:: setHasSwipeRefreshView() .. _swipe-refresh-view: ``setHasSwipeRefreshView()`` **************************** **Syntax:** ``void setHasSwipeRefreshView(View parentView, int resourceId, SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener callback)`` When using swipe refresh view, you can easyly set it's call back by calling ``setHasSwipeRefreshView`` .. code-block:: java setHasSwipeRefreshView(view,, this); It will implement one method for calling swipe event: .. code-block:: java @Override public void onRefresh() { if (inNetwork()) { // Do your stuff } else { // Do your stuff } } .. index:: setSwipeRefreshing() hideRefreshingProgress() ``setSwipeRefreshing()`` and ``hideRefreshingProgress()`` ********************************************************** **Syntax:** ``void setSwipeRefreshing(boolean refreshing)`` ``void hideRefreshingProgress()`` When using swipe refresh view you can use these method for hiding and showing refreshing operation. .. code-block:: java @Override public void onRefresh() { if (inNetwork()) { setSwipeRefreshing(true); } else { hideRefreshingProgress(); } } .. index:: setHasSyncStatusObserver() .. _sync-status-observer: ``setHasSyncStatusObserver()`` ******************************* **Syntax:** ``void setHasSyncStatusObserver(String menuKEY, ISyncStatusObserverListener callback, OModel model)`` Used when any of your data are synchronizing in background and you need to notify when sync finished or data set update. By calling this method it is easy to notify on dataset change. .. code-block:: java setHasSyncStatusObserver(KEY, this, db()); 1. It takes drawer KEY or TAG which passed when creating drawer menu 2. Callback for data set change. Implement ``onStatusChange()`` method 3. database object on which you need to set observer .. code-block:: java @Override public void onStatusChange(Boolean changed) { if(changed){ getLoaderManager().restartLoader(0, null, this); // Updating listview } } .. index:: _s() _c() _dim() ``_s()``, ``_c()`` and ``_dim()`` ********************************** **Syntax:** ``String _s(int resource_id)`` ``int _c(int resource_id)`` ``int _dim(int resource_id)`` Used to get quick string, color and dimention. .. code-block:: java String name = _s(R.string.app_name); int color = _c(R.color.theme_primary); int height = _dim(R.dimen.statusBarHeight); Sample class using ``BaseFragment`` *********************************** .. code-block:: java public class Messages extends BaseFragment { public static final String TAG = Messages.class.getSimpleName(); @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { return inflater.inflate(R.layout.common_listview, container,false); } @Override public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); setTitle(_s(R.string.title_messages)); } @Override public Class database() { return MailMessage.class; } @Override public List drawerMenus(Context context) { return null; } } ------------- .. index:: Used to create column for model. **Syntax:** .. code-block:: java OColumn(String label, Class type); OColumn(String label, Class type, RelationType relationType); Here, 1. ``label`` indicate column label. It auto load in form control as control title. 2. ``type`` type of datatype. (Basic type + Relation type) 3. ``relationType`` [optional] if ``type`` is related to another model class - Possible Types - OneToMany - ManyToOne - ManyToMany **Some chaining methods** `each method returns, OColumn object with updated value.` ``setName()`` ************* .. index:: OColumn.setName() **Syntax:** ``OColumn setName(String name)`` Used to set column name. Generally variable name is considered as column name but if you want to change its name runtime you can change it. .. code-block:: java OColumn dummy_column = new OColumn("Name", OVarchar.class).setName("name"); .. danger:: Remeber that, You can not change column name after model's constructor call finish. If you trying to change outside of constructor, it will affect your local database. ``setRecordSyncLimit()`` ************************ .. index:: OColumn.setRecordSyncLimit() **Syntax:** ``OColumn setRecordSyncLimit(int limit)`` Limiting syncing record for **OneToMany** and **ManyToMany**. .. code-block:: java OColumn tag_ids = new OColumn("Tags", NoteTag.class, RelationType.ManyToMany) .setRecordSyncLimit(10); .. note:: Not all records are synced for OneToMany and ManyToMany if you set record sync limit. ``setLabel()`` ************** .. index:: OColumn.setLabel() **Syntax:** ``OColumn setLabel(String label)`` Sets label for column name. Used as title for column. .. code-block:: java OColumn name = new OColumn("Dummy Name", OVarchar.class).setLabel("Name"); ``setRelatedColumn()`` ********************** .. index:: OColumn.setRelatedColumn() **Syntax:** ``OColumn setRelatedColumn(String related_column)`` Used when you have created ``OneToMany`` relation column. OneToMany required ``related column`` to maintain relation. .. code-block:: java OColumn child_ids = new OColumn("Contacts", ResPartner.class, RelationType.OneToMany) .setRelatedColumn("parent_id"); ``setSize()`` ************* .. index:: OColumn.setSize() **Syntax:** ``OColumn setSize(int size)`` Used to set column size. Takes integer value. .. code-block:: java OColumn title = new OColumn("Blog Title", OVarchar.class).setSize(100); ``setDefaultValue()`` ********************* .. index:: OColumn.setDefaultValue() **Syntax:** ``OColumn setDefaultValue(Object value)`` Sets default value for column. Will store into database if user not pass value for column .. code-block:: java OColumn published = new OColumn("Published", OBoolean.class).setDefaultValue(false); ``setRequired()`` ***************** .. index:: OColumn.setRequired() **Syntax:** ``OColumn setRequired()`` Sets column value required. OForm will automatically show validation error if column is required. .. code-block:: java OColumn name = new OColumn("Name", OVarchar.class).setRequired(); ``setLocalColumn()`` ******************** .. index:: OColumn.setLocalColumn() **Syntax:** ``OColumn setLocalColumn()`` Sometime you need some local column that will not available on server. You can make any column local only. .. code-block:: java OColumn total_amount = new OColumn("Total Amount", OInteger.class).setLocalColumn(); ``setType()`` ************* .. index:: OColumn.setType() **Syntax:** ``OColumn setType(Class type)`` Sets data type for column. You can change data type for column as runtime but only in constructor. In some cases, such as different type for different odoo version. .. code-block:: java OColumn date = new OColumn("Date", ODate.class); public ResPartner(Context context, OUser user) { super(context, "crm.lead", user); if(getOdooVersion().getVersion_number() > 7){ date.setType(ODateTime.class); } } ``addDomain()`` *************** .. index:: OColumn.addDomain() Adds default filter domain for column. Basically you need ``ManyToOne`` column to be filter on some conditions. **Syntax:** .. code-block:: java addDomain(String column_name, String operator, Object value); addDomain(String conditional_operator); **Example:** .. code-block:: java OColumn parent_id = new OColumn("Related Company", ResPartner.class, RelationType.ManyToOne) .addDomain("is_company","=",true); ``addSelection()`` ******************* .. index:: OColumn.addSelection() **Syntax:** ``OColumn addSelection(String key, String value)`` Used to add key value selection pair. Used with ``OSelection`` data type. .. code-block:: java OColumn state = new OColumn("State", OSelection.class) .addSelection("draft","Draft") .addSelection("confirm","Confirmed") .addSelection("close","Canceled") .addSelection("done","Done"); Column annotations ****************** ``@Odoo.api.v7``, ``@Odoo.api.v8``, ``@Odoo.api.v9``, ``@Odoo.api.v10`` and ``@Odoo.api.v11alpha`` .................................................................................................. .. index:: @Odoo.api.v7, @Odoo.api,v8, @Odoo.api.v9, @Odoo.api.v10, @Odoo.api.v11alpha api annotations are used when your column name is different in odoo versions. Or may be it is possible that some of column not present in older version and newer version. Framework column annotation provide feature for making your model compitible for different odoo versions. You need to just add annotation on column with your supported version. .. code-block:: java @Odoo.api.v9 OColumn to_read = new OColumn("To Read", OBoolean.class); @Odoo.api.v10 OColumn is_read = new Column("Is read", OBoolean.class); Here, ``api.v9`` column will created only if connected odoo server is version 9.0, same as for ``api.v10`` ``@Odoo.SyncColumnName()`` .......................... Some time you need to create column name that is not supported in SQLite (such as ``limit``) or some variable name are not allowed in ``java`` such as ``class`` By using ``SyncColumnName`` annotation framework will treat that column in different behaviour. For example, just create ``_class`` column and add annotation named with ``class``. Synchronization will done with ``class`` column name but stored in ``_class`` also you can treat it with ``_class`` name locally. .. code-block:: java @Odoo.SyncColumnName("class") OColumn _class = new OColumn("Class", OVarchar.class); @Odoo.SyncColumnName("limit") OColumn _limit = new OColumn("Limit", OInteger.class); ``@Odoo.onChange()`` .................... .. index:: @Odoo.onChange() **Compitable with OForm control only** Used when column value changed. It takes method name as first parameter and boolean value as second parameter if you want to execute onchange task in background process. .. code-block:: java @Odoo.onChage(method="onParentIdChange") OColumn parent_id = new OColumn("Company", ResPartner.class, RelationType.ManyToOne); OColumn city = new OColumn("City", OVarchar.class); public ODataRow onParentIdChange(ODataRow parent_id){ ODataRow newValues = new ODataRow(); newValues.put("city", parent_id.getString("city")); // get city from parent_id and returning new data row. return newValues; } ``OForm`` call it automatically and fill the values in form object. ``@Odoo.Functional()`` ...................... .. index:: @Odoo.Functional() One can define a field whose value is computed instead of simply being read from the database. Takes three parameters: 1. ``method``, name of method 2. ``store``, boolean flag for storing value in database (if true, database will create column) 3. ``depends``, array of string, depended column names .. code-block:: java OColumn first_name = new OColumn("First name", OVarchar.classs); OColumn last_name = new OColumn("Last name", OVarchar.class); @Odoo.Functional(method="storeDisplayName", depends = {"first_name","last_name"}, store = true) OColumn display_name = new OColumn("Display name", OVarchar.class).setLocalColumn(); public String storeDisplayName(OValues values){ String displayName = ""; displayName = values.getString("first_name"); displayName += " " + values.getString("last_name"); return displayName; } **Info:** For ManyToOne, ManyToMany and OneToMany values will be different. *ManyToOne* .. code-block:: java public String storeManyToOne(OValues values){ String manyToOne = ""; if(!values.getString("parent_id").equals("false")){ List parent_id = (ArrayList) value.get("parent_id"); // Here, list index 0 contain record id (server id), and // list index 1 contains record name manyToOne = parent_id.get(1).toString(); } return manyToOne; } *ManyToMany* or *OneToMany* .. code-block:: java public int storeChildCount(OValues values){ if(!values.getString("child_ids").equals("false")){ // Contains list of ids (server ids) return ((ArrayList) values.get("child_ids")).size(); } return 0; } ``@Odoo.Domain()`` ........................... .. index:: @Odoo.Domain() In some cases, you need to filter your record depended on some value change at runtime. For example, by changing country, states are loaded related to country. By using ``Domain`` annotation with your domain string in valid format you can deal with it. Add column domain as annotation value. Framework will apply domain with annotation and also include column domains (static domains with hard coded values) and applied to related column at runtime. **Note: it works with OForm control only** **Syntax:** .. code-block:: java @Odoo.Domain("[['related_column', '=', @related_column],'and', ['','',@??], 'or', .....]") OColumn state_id = new OColumn("State", ResCountryState.class, RelationType.ManyToOne); Here ``@related_column`` indicate that from ``OForm`` fields the dynamic value is from @related_column, It will be replaced with value at runtime. .. note:: Use columns that are available in model with ``@Odoo.Domain()`` .. code-block:: java OColumn country_id = new OColumn("Country", ResCountry.class, RelationType.ManyToOne); @Odoo.Domain("[['country_id', '=', @country_id]]") OColumn state_id = new OColumn("State", ResStates.class, RelationType.ManyToOne); .. _model-class: ----------- .. index:: All the model (database class) extends ``OModel`` class. It contains all database required methods. Also allow you to add column easily by declaring as member variable type ``OColumn`` - It automatically create relation tables and maintain relations for records. - Works with ``ContentProvider`` so faster performance for loading data from SQLite database. - Properly maintain local relation. OModel is binded with own ORM. It easy and fast. .. index:: Datatypes OModel support different datatypes which will create dynamic table with its type and return records as per its column type. Basic Data Types **************** ``OVarchar`` ............ .. index:: OVarchar A string of limited length. Default length : 64 .. code-block:: java OColumn name = new OColumn("Name", OVarchar.class).setSize(100).setRequired(); ``OInteger`` ............ .. index:: Type: OInteger An integer .. code-block:: java OColumn counter = new OColumn("Counter", OInteger.class); ``OBoolean`` ............ .. index:: Type: OBoolean A boolean (true, false). Default false .. code-block:: java OColumn is_active = new OColumn("Active", OBoolean.class); ``OFloat`` .......... .. index:: Type: OFloat A floating point number. .. code-block:: java OColumn weight = new OColumn("Weight", OFloat.class); ``OText`` ......... .. index:: Type: OText A text field with no limit in length. .. code-block:: java OColumn body = new OColumn("Message body", OText.class); ``OHtml`` ......... .. index:: Type: OHtml A html (actual text) field with no limit in length. .. code-block:: java OColumn body = new OColumn("Message body", OHtml.class); ``ODate`` ......... .. index:: Type: ODate A date. Stores ``yyyy-MM-dd`` formatted date or ``false`` if value not set .. code-block:: java OColumn date = new OColumn("Date", ODate.class); ``ODateTime`` ............. .. index:: Type: ODateTime Allows to store a date and the time of day in the same field. Stores ``yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss`` formatted date or ``false`` if value not set .. code-block:: java OColumn date = new OColumn("Date", ODateTime.class); ``OBlob`` ......... .. index:: Type: OBlob Allows to store a base64 data in database. Generally used by ir.attachment .. code-block:: java OColumn image = new OColumn("Avatar", OBlob.class); ``OSelection`` .............. .. index:: Type: OSelection Allows to store a string value (i.e., key for selection). Used selection for parsing Label for stored key. .. code-block:: java OColumn state = new OColumn("State", OSelection.class) .addSelection("draft","Draft") .addSelection("confirm","Confirmed") .addSelection("close","Canceled") .addSelection("done","Done"); ``OTimestamp`` .............. .. index:: Type: OTimestamp Stores current date time to column. .. code-block:: java OColumn order_date = new OColumn("Order date", OTimestamp.class); Relation tyeps ************** ``OneToMany`` .............. .. index:: Type:: OneToMany One2many field; the value of such a field is the recordset of all the records in comodel_name such that the field inverse_name is equal to the current record. It required Type as another model's class type and also required realted column (as ManyToOne in related model) .. code-block:: java OColumn parent_id = new OColumn("Company", ResPartner.class, RelationType.ManyToOne); OColumn child_ids = new OColumn("Contacts", ResPartner.class, RelationType.OneToMany). setRelatedColumn("parent_id"); ``ManyToOne`` ............. .. index:: Type:: ManyToOne The value of such a field is a recordset of size 0 (no record) or 1 (a single record). .. code-block:: java OColumn parent_id = new OColumn("Company", ResPartner.class, RelationType.ManyToOne); ``ManyToMany`` .............. .. index:: Type:: ManyToMany Many2many field; the value of such a field is the recordset. .. code-block:: java OColumn tag_ids = new OColumn("Tags", NoteTag.class, RelationType.ManyToMany); Base structure of class *********************** - extends ``OModel`` class - Contains columns, methods (custom method used for model) .. code-block :: java class ResPartner extends OModel{ public ResPartner(Context context, OUser user){ super(context,"res.partner",user); } } - Constructor with ``Context`` and ``OUser`` parameter only. Pass **model name** in super. - This will create table with some base columns ``_id, id, create_date, write_date`` and more.. .. note:: Note that database is created when you first time run your application, or when you clean your data from app setting. You need to clean application data everytime when you update your database column. Adding some columns ................... .. code-block:: java class ResPartner extends OModel{ OColumn name = new OColumn("Name", OVarchar.class); OColumn parent_id = new OColumn("Company", ResPartner.class, RelationType.ManyToOne); public ResPartner(Context context, OUser user){ super(context,"res.partner",user); } } Note that, if you pass second parameter ``null`` while creating model object. It will take current active user object and treat all operation to current user database only. You can add columns as your requirement. Framework will create each relation column table automatically. But if there is no any relation column for specific model and you need to create that table. You need to register it in ```` @See :ref:`ref-base-models` Methods ******* ``setDefaultNameColumn()`` .......................... .. index:: setDefaultNameColumn() **Syntax:** ``void setDefaultNameColumn(String nameColumn)`` Used when default **name** column is different. Default takes ``name``. Used for storing name column when ManyToOne record arrive. .. code-block:: java public class ResPartner extends OModel { OColumn display_name = new OColumn("Name", OVarchar.class); public ResPartner(Context context, OUser user){ super(context, "res.partner", user); setDefaultNameColumn("display_name"); } } ``getDefaultNameColumn()`` .......................... .. index:: getDefaultNameColumn() **Syntax:** ``String getDefaultNameColumn()`` Alternative of ``setDefaultNameColumn()`` override ``getDefaultNameColumn()`` method for return default name column. .. code-block:: java public class ResPartner extends OModel { OColumn display_name = new OColumn("Name", OVarchar.class); public ResPartner(Context context, OUser user){ super(context, "res.partner", user); } @Override public String getDefaultNameColumn(){ return "display_name"; } } ``setModelName()`` .................. .. index:: setModelName() **Syntax:** ``void setModelName(String modelName)`` In some cases, you need to change model name (before just creating database table) depends on odoo version. .. code-block:: java public class CalendarEvent extends OModel { ... ... public CalendarEvent(Context context, OUser user){ super(context, "calendar.event", user); // Model name different for calendar.event in odoo version 7.0 if(getOdooVersion().getVersionNumber() ==7){ setModelName("crm.meeting"); } } } ``getTableName()`` .................. .. index:: getTableName() **Syntax:** ``String getTableName()`` Returns, table name for model. (Generally, ``res.partner`` become ``res_partner``) .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); String tableName = partner.getTableName(); ``setHasMailChatter()`` ....................... .. index:: setHasMailChatter() **Syntax:** ``void setHasMailChatter(boolean hasChatter)`` Used to enable mail chatter below ``OForm`` view. takes boolean parameter .. code-block:: java public class ResPartner extends OModel { ... ... public ResPartner(Context context, OUser user){ super(context, "res.partner", user); setHasMailChatter(true); } } ``getUser()`` ............. .. index:: getUser() **Syntax:** ``OUser getUser()`` Used to get current active User object. returns ``OUser`` object .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); OUser user = partner.getUser(); String userName = user.getName(); int userId = user.getUserId(); ``getOdooVersion()`` .................... .. index:: getOdooVersion() **Syntax:** ``OdooVersion getOdooVersion()`` Used to get current user's odoo version information. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); OdooVersion odooVersion = partner.getOdooVersion(); int versionNumber = getOdooVersion().getVersionNumber(); String versionType = getOdooVersion().getVersionType(); ``getColumns()`` ................ .. index:: getColumns() **Syntax:** ``List getColumns()`` ``List getColumns(boolean local)`` Used to get list of models column. returns, ``ArrayList`` Takes one optional parameter boolean, If you want to get only local column or server columns - ``local`` boolean .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); // Getting all columns for(OColumn column: partner.getColumns()){ Log.i(column.getName() , column.getLabel()); } // Getting local columns for(OColumn column: partner.getColumns(true)){ Log.i(column.getName() , column.getLabel()); } // Getting server columns for(OColumn column: partner.getColumns(false)){ Log.i(column.getName() , column.getLabel()); } ``getRelationColumns()`` ........................ .. index:: getRelationColumns() **Syntax:** ``List getRelationColumns()`` Used when you need to get all relation columns, ``ManyToMany``, ``ManyToOne`` and ``OneToMany`` .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); for(OColumn column : partner.getRelationColumns()){ Log.i(column.getName(), column.getLabel()); } ``getColumn()`` ............... .. index:: getColumn() **Syntax:** ``OColumn getColumn(String columnName)`` Used to get ``OColumn`` object by using its name .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); OColumn display_name = partner.getColumn("display_name"); Note, if annotations applied and version not compitable with that column, it will returns ``null`` ``getFunctionalColumns()`` .......................... .. index:: getFunctionalColumns() **Syntax:** ``List getFunctionalColumns()`` Returns all functional columns (with annotation ``@Odoo.Functional``) .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); for(OColumn column : partner.getFunctionalColumns()){ Log.i(column.getName(), column.getLabel()); } ``getManyToManyColumns()`` .......................... .. index:: getManyToManyColumns() **Syntax:** ``List getManyToManyColumns(OModel reationModel)`` Returns list of ``OColumn`` for many to many table. Takes relation model object as parameter .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); for(OColumn col: partner.getManyToManyColumns(new Tags(mContext, null))){ Log.i(col.getName(), col.getLabel()); } ``createInstance()`` .................... .. index:: createInstance() **Syntax:** ``OModel createInstance(Class type)`` Used to create ``OModel`` object related to model class type. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); Tags tags = (Tags)partner.createInstance(Tags.class); It will take ``Context`` and ``User`` from ``ResPartner`` object ``OModel.get()`` ................ .. index:: OModel.get() **Syntax:** ``OModel OModel.get(Context context, String modelName, String userAndroidName)`` Used to create ``OModel`` object for particular model by its model name. Takes, three parameters: 1. ``Context`` context object 2. ``String`` model name (i.e, res.partner or mail.message) 3. ``String`` user account name (You can see it under account of android settings). Made of ``username`` and ``database`` E.g., username : ``admin``, database: ``production`` => account name : ``admin[production]`` or you can get it by user object. ``OUser.getAndroidName()`` .. code-block:: java OUser user = OUser.current(mContext); ResPartner partner = (ResPartner) OModel.get(mContext, "res.partner", user.getAndroidName()); ``authority()`` ............... .. index:: authority() **Syntax:** ``String authority()`` returns, default authority. Used by ``BaseModelProvider``. can be change if you have custome ``ContentProvider`` .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); String authority = partner.authority(); ``uri()`` ......... .. index:: uri() **Syntax:** ``Uri uri()`` Returns, model ``Uri`` object. Works with ``BaseModelProvider`` .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); Cursor cr = getContentResolver().query( partner.uri(), // URI null, // Projection null, // Selection null, // Selection arguments null // sort order ); ``buildURI()`` .............. .. index:: buildURI() **Syntax:** ``Uri buildURI(String authority)`` Used to create custom uri with different authority and path segments. .. code-block:: java public class ResPartner extends OModel { public static final String CUSTOMER_FILTER = "com.odoo.base.addons.res.res_partner"; ... ... public ResPartner(Context context, OUser user){ super(context, "res.partner", user); } @Override public Uri uri() { return buildURI(CUSTOMER_FILTER); } public Uri indianCustomers() { return uri().buildUpon().appendPath("in_customer_filter").build(); } } ``projection()`` ................ .. index:: projection() **Syntax:** ``String[] projection()`` ``String[] projection(boolean onlyServerColumns)`` Returns string array of columns used as projection to ``ContentResolver`` ``query()`` method. Optional parameter for getting only local column projection or server column projection. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); Cursor cr = getContentResolver().query( partner.uri(), // URI partner.projection(), // Projection null, // Selection null, // Selection arguments null // sort order ); Database Operations ******************* ``getLabel()`` .............. .. index:: getLabel() Selection type Returns label for selection value. Works with ``OSelection`` type .. code-block:: java CRMLead leads = new CRMLead(mContext, null); ODataRow row = leads.browse(1); String stateLabel = leads.getLabel("state", row.getString("state")); ``browse()`` ............ .. index:: browse() Returns ``DataRow`` object for record. ``null`` if no record found .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); ODataRow row = partner.browse(2); // Here, 2 is belong to SQLite local auto incremented id i.e, _id ``browse()`` with projection: .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); ODataRow row = partner.browse(new String[]{ "name", "parent_id" }, 2); ``browse()`` with projection, selection and selection arguments .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); List rows = partner.browse( new String[]{"name","parent_id"}, // Projection "city = ?", // Selection new String[]{"Gandhinagar"} // Selection arguments ); ``getServerIds()`` .. index:: getServerIds() returns list of server ids. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); List serverIds = partner.getServerIds(); ``isEmptyTable()`` .................. .. index:: isEmptyTable() returns true, if table is empty. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); if(partner.isEmptyTable()){ // Do synchronization stuff } ``select()`` ............ .. index:: select() Select all records from database returns, list of ``ODataRow`` .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); List rows =; for(ODataRow row: rows){ // code of block } ``select()`` with projection .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); List rows = new String[]{"name","parent_id","city"} ); for(ODataRow row: rows){ // code of block } ``select()`` with projection, selection and selection arguments .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); List rows = new String[]{"name","parent_id","city"}, "city = ?", new String[]{"Gandhinagar"} ); for(ODataRow row: rows){ // code of block } ``select()`` with projection, selection, selection arguments and sortOrder .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); List rows = new String[]{"name","parent_id","city"}, "city = ?", new String[]{"Gandhinagar"}, "name DESC" ); for(ODataRow row: rows){ // code of block } ``insertOrUpdate()`` .................... .. index:: insertOrUpdate() **Syntax:** ``int insertOrUpdate(int serverId, OValues values)`` ``int insertOrUpdate(String selection, String[] selectionArgs, OValues values)`` Creates new record if not exists or update if exists .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); OValues values = new OValues(); values.put("id",1); values.put("name", "Dharmang Soni"); int newId = partner.insertOrUpdate(1, values); ``insertOrUpdate()`` **with selection and selection arguments** .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); OValues values = new OValues(); values.put("id",1); values.put("name", "Dharmang Soni"); int newId = partner.insertOrUpdate("id = ?", new String[]{"1"}, values); ``insert()`` ............ .. index:: insert() create new record with values. returns new created id if successfull, otherwise ``OModel.INVALID_ROW_ID`` ie., ``-1`` .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); OValues values = new OValues(); values.put("id",1); values.put("name", "Dharmang Soni"); int newId = partner.insert(values); ``delete()`` ............ .. index:: delete() Delete record from local. Server record will be deleted when synchronization done. **Syntax:** ``delete(int row_id)`` ``delete(String selection, String[] selectionArgs)`` retuns number of record deleted. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); int count = partner.delete(5); // or int count = partner.delete(OColumn.ROW_ID +" = ?", new String[]{"5"}); ``selectServerId()`` .................... .. index:: selectServerId() **Syntax:** ``int selectServerId(int row_id)`` returns server id for local record. If record not found, returns ``OModel.INVALID_ROW_ID`` i.e., ``-1`` .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); int serverId = partner.selectServerId(2); ``selectManyToManyRecords()`` ............................. .. index:: selectManyToManyRecords() **Syntax:** ``List selectManyToManyRecords(String[] projection, String column_name, int row_id)`` Returns list of many to many relation records for column and row. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); List tags = partner.selectManyToManyRecords(new String[]{"name"}, "tag_ids", 2); Here, **projection** is for related table (i.e., tags). ``count()`` ........... .. index:: count() **Syntax:** ``int count(String selection, String[] selectionArgs)`` Returns number or record affecting selection. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner= new ResPartner(mContext, null); int total = partner.count("is_company = ?", new String[]{"true"}); ``update()`` ............ .. index:: update() **Syntax:** ``int update(String selection, String[] args, OValues values)`` ``int update(int row_id, OValues values)`` Update record value. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); OValues values =new OValues(); values.put("name","Parth Gajjar"); int updated = partner.update(5, values); ``query()`` ........... .. index:: query() **Syntax:** ``List query(String sql)`` ``List query(String sql, String[] args)`` Returns list of record generated by query. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); String sql = "SELECT _id, name, city FROM res_partner WHERE country_id = ?"; List records = partner.query(sql, new String[]{"4"}); ``executeRawQuery()`` ..................... .. index:: executeRawQuery() **Syntax:** ``Cursor executeRawQuery(String sql, String[] args)`` Used to execute raw queries. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); Cursor cr = partner.executeRawQuery("select * from res_partner where customer = ?", new String[]{"true"}); ``executeQuery()`` .................. .. index:: executeQuery() **Syntax:** ``void executeQuery(String sql)`` Execute queries. DROP TABLE, CREATE TABLE, etc... ``getName()`` ............. .. index:: getName() **Syntax:** ``String getName(int row_id)`` Returns ``name`` column value for record. `(@See setDefaultNameColumn() and getDefaultNameColumn())` .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); String name = partner.getName(3); ``countGroupBy()`` .................. .. index:: countGroupBy() **Syntax:** ``ODataRow countGroupBy(String column, String group_by, String having, String[] args)`` Returns ``ODataRow`` object with ``total`` column contains total number of records .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); int total = partner.countGroupBy("parent_id", "parent_id", "parent_id != ?", new String[]{"false"}); Synchronization related methods ******************************* ``getLastSyncDateTime()`` ......................... .. index:: getLastSyncDateTime() **Syntax:** ``String getLastSyncDateTime()`` Returns last synchronized date time for model. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); String lastSyncDateTime = partner.getLastSyncDateTime(); ``defaultDomain()`` ................... .. index:: defaultDomain() **Sytanx:** ``ODomain defaultDomain()`` Returns, default domain for model. called when synchronization occured. Default it return only blank object ``new ODomain()`` with no domain filter. You need to ``override`` this method for return you default domain filter for model. .. code-block:: java class ResPartner extends OModel { .... .... .... @Override public ODomain defaultDomain(){ ODomain domain = new ODomain(); domain.put("customer","=",true); return domain; } } ``checkForCreateDate()`` ........................ .. index:: checkForCreateDate() **Syntax:** ``boolean checkForCreateDate()`` Return true if you need to check for create date on synchronization. It will filter ``create_date`` with sync limit from setting. If return false, all the data are re-synchronized every time. Default is ``True`` .. code-block:: java class ResPartner extends OModel { ... ... ... @Override public boolean checkForCreateDate(){ return true; } } ``checkForWriteDate()`` ....................... .. index:: checkForWriteDate() **Syntax:** ``boolean checkForWriteDate()`` Return true if you need to compare each of record with ``write_date``. It will reduce the trafic for requests. Only different write_date records are syncronized. If return false, nothing will checked with ``write_date`` Default ``True`` .. code-block:: java class ResPartner extends OModel { ... ... ... @Override public boolean checkForWriteDate(){ return true; } } ``allowUpdateRecordOnServer()`` ............................... .. index:: allowUpdateRecordOnServer() **Syntax:** ``boolean allowUpdateRecordOnServer()`` If true, framework will update record on server if local record dirty and ``write_date`` is newer that server's ``write_date`` If false, framework will never update record on server with locally changed values. Default ``True`` .. code-block:: java class ResPartner extends OModel { ... ... ... @Override public boolean allowUpdateRecordOnServer(){ return true; } } ``allowCreateRecordOnServer()`` ............................... .. index:: allowCreateRecordOnServer() **Syntax:** ``boolean allowCreateRecordOnServer()`` If true, framework will create record on server if it found ``0`` value to ``id`` column. (i.e., locally created records) If false, framework will never create record on server. Default ``True`` .. code-block:: java class ResPartner extends OModel { ... ... ... @Override public boolean allowCreateRecordOnServer(){ return true; } } ``allowDeleteRecordOnServer()`` ............................... .. index:: allowDeleteRecordOnServer() **Syntax:** ``boolean allowDeleteRecordOnServer()`` If true, framework will delete record from server if it locally ``inactive`` (deleted by user locally) If false, framework will never delete record from server Default ``True`` .. code-block:: java class ResPartner extends OModel { ... ... ... @Override public boolean allowDeleteRecordOnServer(){ return true; } } ``allowDeleteRecordInLocal()`` .............................. .. index:: allowDeleteRecordInLocal() **Syntax:** ``boolean allowDeleteRecordInLocal()`` If true, framework will remove local record if server record not exist. If false, framework will not remove any local record if server record not exist. Default ``True`` .. code-block:: java class ResPartner extends OModel { ... ... ... @Override public boolean allowDeleteRecordInLocal(){ return true; } } ``onSyncStarted()`` and ``onSyncFinished()`` ............................................. .. index:: onSyncStarted() onSyncFinished() **Syntax:** ``void onSyncStarted()`` ``void onSyncFinished()`` Used when you need to perform any operation on sync start and finish. .. code-block:: java class ResPartner extends OModel { ... ... ... @Override public void onSyncStarted(){ // Code of block } @Override public void onSyncFinished(){ // code of block } } ``quickSyncRecords()`` ...................... .. index:: quickSyncRecords() **Syntax:** ``void quickSyncRecords(ODomain domain)`` Used when you need to synchronize some of records depends on some domain. You need to run this method in ``AsynTask`` or any background service. .. code-block:: java new AsyncTask{ public Void doInBackground(Void...args){ ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); ODomain domain = new ODomain(); domain.add("is_company", "=", true); partner.quickSyncRecords(domain); return null; } }.execute(); ``quickCreateRecord()`` ....................... .. index:: quickCreateRecord() **Syntax:** ``void ODataRow quickCreateRecord(ODataRow row)`` Return fully synced record data row object. You need to pass datarow object which contain ``id`` column with its server id value. Method will sync full record and return updated object. .. code-block:: java new AsyncTask{ public Void doInBackground(Void...args){ ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContext, null); ODataRow row = new ODataRow(); row.put("id", 49); row = partner.quickCreateRecord(row); return null; } }.execute(); Other ****** ``isInstalledOnServer()`` ......................... .. index:: isInstalledOnServer() **Syntax:** ``void isInstalledOnServer(String module_name, IModuleInstallListener callback)`` Check for module installed on server or not. .. code-block:: java ResPartner partner = new ResPartner(mContex, null); partner.isInstalledOnServer("notes", new IModuleInstallListener() { @Override public void installedOnServer(boolean isInstalled) { // isInstalled ? } }); ``getServerDataHelper()`` ......................... .. index:: getServerDataHelper() **Syntax:** ``ServerDataHelper getServerDataHelper()`` Used to perform some of server operations (works with live network only). **Contains following methods:** - ``getOdoo()`` : Returns ``Odoo`` object - ``nameSearch()`` : Name search on server - ``read()`` : Read record from server - ``searchRecords()`` : search records with fields, domain and limit - ``executeWorkFlow()`` : execute server workflow with signal - ``callMethod()`` : call model's custom methods - ``createOnServer()`` : quick create record on server (not create locally) - ``updateOnServer()`` : quick update record on server (not update locally) .. _base-model-provider: ---------------------- .. index:: Provide base database operation with ``ContentResolver``, extends ``ContentProvider`` and works with ``Uri`` We required to use ``BaseModelProvider`` when creating custom sync service for model. .. code-block:: java public class CustomersSyncProvider extends BaseModelProvider { @Override public String authority() { return ResPartner.AUTHORITY; } } .. code-block:: xml Adding custom Uri ***************** - Register New Uri in model: .. code-block:: java class MailMesage extends OModel { public static final String AUTHORITY = "your.custom.authority"; ... ... ... @Override public Uri uri() { return buildURI(AUTHORITY); } public Uri inboxURI(){ return uri().buildUpon().appendPath(MailProvider.KEY_INBOX_MESSAGES).build(); } } - Adding Uri to ``MailProvider`` .. code-block:: java public class MailProvider extends BaseModelProvider { public static final String TAG = MailProvider.class.getSimpleName(); public static final int INBOX_MESSAGES = 234; public static final String KEY_INBOX_MESSAGES = "inbox_messages"; @Override public boolean onCreate() { String path = new MailMessage(getContext(), null).getModelName() .toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()); matcher.addURI(authority(), path + "/" + KEY_INBOX_MESSAGES, INBOX_MESSAGES); return super.onCreate(); } @Override public void setModel(Uri uri) { super.setModel(uri); mModel = new MailMessage(getContext(), getUser(uri)); } @Override public String authority() { return MailMessage.AUTHORITY; } @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] base_projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { int match = matcher.match(uri); if (match != INBOX_MESSAGES) return super.query(uri, base_projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); else { MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(getContext(), getUser(uri)); return mail.executeRawQuery("select * from mail_message", null); } } } .. _sync-service-class: ----------------- .. index:: Provide support for managing your sync requests and perform operation with your model data.. When uses sync adapter for custom sync service. Use ``OSyncService`` We need to extends ``OSyncService`` class which implement two methods: 1. getSyncAdapter() 2. performDataSync() ``getSyncAdapter()`` ******************** .. index:: getSyncAdapter() **Syntax:** ``OSyncAdapter getSyncAdapter(OSyncService serviceObj, Context context)`` Used to return intial sync adapter object. (do not use chaining methods in this method) .. code-block:: java public class CustomerSyncService extends OSyncService { @Override public OSyncAdapter getSyncAdapter(OSyncService service, Context context) { return new OSyncAdapter(context, ResPartner.class, this, true); } @Override public void performDataSync(OSyncAdapter adapter, Bundle extras, OUser user) { } } ``performDataSync()`` ********************** .. index:: performDataSync() Called just before data sync start. You can put some filters (domains), limiting data requiest in this method. Also you can specify the next sync operation after its sync finish. .. code-block:: java public class CustomerSyncService extends OSyncService { public static final String TAG = CustomerSyncService.class.getSimpleName(); @Override public OSyncAdapter getSyncAdapter(OSyncService service, Context context) { return new OSyncAdapter(context, ResPartner.class, service, true); } @Override public void performDataSync(OSyncAdapter adapter, Bundle extras, OUser user) { ODomain domain = new ODomain(); domain.add("active","=",true); adapter.syncDataLimit(80).setDomain(domain); } } **Specify next sync operation for different model** .. code-block:: java public class CustomerSyncService extends OSyncService implements ISyncFinishListener { public static final String TAG = CustomerSyncService.class.getSimpleName(); private Context mContext; @Override public OSyncAdapter getSyncAdapter(OSyncService service, Context context) { mContext = context; return new OSyncAdapter(context, ResPartner.class, service, true); } @Override public void performDataSync(OSyncAdapter adapter, Bundle extras, OUser user) { if(adapter.getModel().getModelName().equals("res.partner")) { ODomain domain = new ODomain(); domain.add("active", "=", true); adapter.syncDataLimit(80).setDomain(domain); adapter.onSyncFinish(this); } } @Override public OSyncAdapter performNextSync(OUser user, SyncResult syncResult) { return new OSyncAdapter(mContext, ResCountry.class, this, true); } } Here, You can see we have checked for model name. Each time when you have chaining sync adapters you need to check for model name in ``performDataSync``. Otherwise, your service will go in infinite loop. ``onSyncFinish()`` will tell service to perform next operation and service will continue to complete all the task in chain. Note: You have to check everytime for each of model to pass domain and filters by getting its model name. If you dont wont to continue with next sync operation but you need to do some operation after sync finish. You can do it in two ways: 1. Just add sync finish call back and return ``null``. Do your operation before returning ``null`` or 2. Just override ``onSyncFinished()`` method in your model. Where you can perform your operations.